Services and Fees
What we do, and what it costs
Gooder Golf partners up with Mizuno Golf
We're pleased to announce a that we have recently partnered up with Mizuno Golf. Mizuno is a well established company with a long history of producing high-quality product. More great fitting options are now available to us to help golfers get into the right gear that enables them play their absolute best golf. Please see the Mizuno page in our Vendors section for more information.
Gooder Golf partners up with Tour Edge Golf
We're pleased to announce a that the Tour Edge / Exotics Golf family of products will be offered in our fitting lineup. More quality options available to fit you with helps us get the right product into your hands. Please see the Tour Edge / Exotics page in our Vendors section for more information.
"Gooderized" clubs notch a victory on a Professional Tour!
September/2020 was a momentus month for Gooder Golf and one of our "Gooder-ites" (customers). A set of our irons were used to notch a victory on the COVID shortened 2020 Mackenzie Tour (Canadian Tour). It was the first professional win carded for our professional Gooder-ite, and also the first professional win notched for Gooder Custom Golf Clubs. We are thrilled to be able to have helped multiple local golfers win their local club championships, and we have plenty of activity in local amatuer tournaments, but it is especially gratifying to know that our clubs can not only make the cut, but win on a professional tour!
AGCP announces LEVEL 10 certification for Bert Reich
The Association of Golf Clubfitting Professionals recently issued a press release to announce that Bert Reich (Gooder Golf) attained LEVEL 10 status in the field of golf clubfitting and clubmaking. Bert was the second AGCP member in Canada to reach this level.
First Heading or Title
September 16, 1926
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
First Heading or Title
September 16, 1926
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Services and Fees
What's it all going to cost? Well, that depends a great deal on which components suit you the best (as determined through our "performance-based" fitting process).
Please understand that there is SOOOO much more to building a good set of golf clubs than just "cut and glue". Special attention must be given to ALL of the details to make 'em the absolute best we can. Each and every club I build gets the full "blueprint" treatment, which includes;
- Shafts weighed, sorted, profiled, and frequency matched (flex)
- Desired shaft orientation (spine/FLO)
- Swingweight or MOI matched
- Loft angles (where applicable) set to desired amount
- Lie angles (where applicable) set to desired amount
- Proper finished length with grip installed
All of these details are important, that's why they're part of every club we build - no exceptions. To build 'em right, it's gonna take a bit of time - on a typical set of clubs, the start-to-finish time works out to an average between 60-90 minutes per club (even more if I'm re-shafting). So if you do the math, when I'm building a typical set with seven irons and three wedges (10 clubs in total), we're looking at somewhere between 10-15 hours to assemble properly. FYI - to do the "cut & glue" hack version of the same 10 clubs, it would take about 90 minutes total. The difference in the finished product however would be like comparing one of those old beat up rusty high-mile Chevettes (remember those???) to a brand new shiny Rolls-Royce. Yes, they are both "cars", but they are nowhere near the same thing now are they. I will not just "cut & glue" a set together - please don't even ask, it's not an option.
Your mass produced OEM clubs are made as quick and cheap as possible (cut & glue) - many times all of the gear is shipped down to Mexico where assembly is done by "Julio" or "Juanita", 'cuz the OEM's discovered cheap labour costs means more profit for the shareholders. I may be wrong here, but I really don't think Julio and Juanita attended any clubmaking schools, nor do they care how well you hit your golf clubs. No offence intended towards Julio and Juanita - they are not the bad guys here, they are just trying to make their living.
I will offer you value-added product and service - much more than you can get "off-the-shelf". I have experience, qualification, certification, tooling & equipment, and use only top-notch components. When it comes to the build, every detail gets the attention it deserves. I build each club as if I were building it for my own use. I'm the only employee, so that means every club created here is done with great care and attention by my hands, one at a time, to my standards (and I'm kinda picky),and to your unique specifications. I stand behind every single club I build. I'm not interested in the quick sale, nor will I take the money and run. I'm interested in your long-term satisfaction with your clubs, how well you hit them, and I want you to get your money's worth. If you encounter a problem with your clubs where something isn't "right" - through effective communication we will determine exactly what isn't "right", and I'll do what I can to make it "right". I'm kinda like the Mike Holmes of golf clubs - "make it right". The bitterness of poor quality lingers on long after the sweetness of low price is gone.
2025 Labour Rates:
- Assemble club [1 only](includes all blueprinting procedures)
- $115.00 + head/shaft/grip
- Assemble clubs [2+](includes all blueprinting procedures)
- $105.00 (each) + heads/shafts/grips
- Re-grip your club(s)
- $13.00 (each) + grip(s)
- $15.00 (each) if you supply your own grips
- Re-shaft your club [1 only](includes all blueprinting procedures)
- $125.00 + shaft/grip
- Re-shaft your clubs [2+](includes all blueprinting procedures)
- $115.00 (each) + shafts/grips
- Re-shaft your club [any quantity](if you supply the shafts)
- $130.00 (each) + grip
- Basic shaft pull only (bore-through, composite crown, or "special" designs additional fees apply)
- $60.00 (each)
- Remove broken shaft
(bore-through, composite crown, or "special" designs additional fees apply)
- $90.00 (each)
- Ream .355" (taper) hosel to accept .370" (parallel) shaft
- $16.00 (each)
- (This is encountered when re-shafting or retro-fitting taper hosel irons)
- Check/adjust loft & lie (per club)
- $16.00 (each)
- If bore-through, composite crown, or any "special" design (in addition to above fees)
- add $65.00/club
- Certain Ping, Callaway, Titleist, TaylorMade clubs may also require the use of special ferrules, adapters, sleeves, etc.
- $ as required
- Any jobs not listed above are charged by clock-time at a rate of $135.00/hour
Assembly time can be anywhere from one to three weeks (depending on availability of components). Left-handed club heads may not be available in every model.
NOTE: Shop supplies are charged on every shop invoice in addition to prices noted above (for ferrules, grip tape, solvent, acetone, cutting and prepping supplies, tooling and equipment supplies, wear and tear on tooling and equipment, lead powder, shaft tip weights, brass or tungsten hosel port weights for swingweighting or MOI matching, etc.).
2025 Fitting Fees
- Irons only fitting
- $335.00 + taxes
- Driver only fitting
- $335.00 + taxes
- If you've done one of the above, and come back for the other **within 60 days**
- $235.00 + taxes
- Putter fitting, or optimize your existing putter
- $135.00 + taxes
- Plus any incidentals (grip, shaft, weights, counter-weights, shop supplies, etc.)
NOTE: It is VERY rare to be able to complete an irons fitting and a driver fitting properly on the same day. Usually by the time we're done with the irons, your "swing muscles" are out of gas. Rather than collect "polluted" data, in most cases it is best do do the driver fitting on a separate day.
Fittings are by appointment only, and must be paid in full before the fitting commences.
The above fees are charged to do an in-person custom fitting session - payable before the fitting session begins. This fee helps to pay for all the expensive gear and equipment we use (launch monitor, computers, numerous demo heads, demo shafts, demo grips, swing speed and ball speed meters, high-def video capture equipment and swing analysis software). All of this equipment (several thousand bucks worth) is necessary in order to do a complete and proper fitting. NOTE: The fitting fees are a separate fee for the fitting only. Fitting fees are not included in club prices, the price for clubs are in addition to the fitting fees. This is how I pay for all of the stuff I need to fit you properly.
My last word on all of the above: My clubs will not be the cheapest available on the market (and it's not 'cuz I gouge) - please be aware of that before committing to a fitting and your very own set of custom clubs. CUSTOM ANYTHING COSTS MONEY. "The bitterness of POOR QUALITY lingers on long after the sweetness of LOW PRICE is gone". I can assure you that the clubs you purchase from Gooder Custom Golf Clubs will be made the best I can possibly make 'em. Your clubs will be made for you and your swing, they will be custom fitted and assembled by hand one at a time TO YOUR UNIQUE SPECS with the exact same care, attention, and detail I would put into my own clubs. I have a great passion for the game of golf, clubfitting, and the art of club making - I take great pride in the work I do. I will stand behind every club I build. You have my word on that!