Gooder Custom Golf Clubs

Yup, Gooder.....and more better too!




Gooder Golf partners up with Mizuno Golf

We're pleased to announce a that we have recently partnered up with Mizuno Golf. Mizuno is a well established company with a long history of producing high-quality product. More great fitting options are now available to us to help golfers get into the right gear that enables them play their absolute best golf. Please see the Mizuno page in our Vendors section for more information.


Gooder Golf partners up with Tour Edge Golf

We're pleased to announce a that the Tour Edge / Exotics Golf family of products will be offered in our fitting lineup. More quality options available to fit you with helps us get the right product into your hands. Please see the Tour Edge / Exotics page in our Vendors section for more information.


"Gooderized" clubs notch a victory on a Professional Tour!


September/2020 was a momentus month for Gooder Golf and one of our "Gooder-ites" (customers). A set of our irons were used to notch a victory on the COVID shortened 2020 Mackenzie Tour (Canadian Tour). It was the first professional win carded for our professional Gooder-ite, and also the first professional win notched for Gooder Custom Golf Clubs. We are thrilled to be able to have helped multiple local golfers win their local club championships, and we have plenty of activity in local amatuer tournaments, but it is especially gratifying to know that our clubs can not only make the cut, but win on a professional tour!





AGCP announces LEVEL 10 certification for Bert Reich


Association of Golf Clubfitting Professionals

The Association of Golf Clubfitting Professionals recently issued a press release to announce that Bert Reich (Gooder Golf) attained LEVEL 10 status in the field of golf clubfitting and clubmaking. Bert was the second AGCP member in Canada to reach this level.






First Heading or Title

September 16, 1926

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

demoLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.


First Heading or Title

September 16, 1926

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

demoLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.



Welcome to Gooder Custom Golf Clubs. We are fitters and builders of Ultra-Premium golf clubs. We are located near Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. NOTE: Google shows my location as an address in the city of Regina - this is NOT correct, I'm actually located out in a small town about 15 miles outside of Regina.I am an Association of Golf Clubfitting Professionals (AGCP) certified and qualified LEVEL 10 golf clubfitter & clubmaker. We custom fit, then custom engineer (blueprint) clubs made to fit you exclusively.

Our in-person "performance based" fittings are done with the aid of a FlightScope launch monitor. I also use specially prepared heads (6-irons, drivers, and wedges) with Club-Conex fittings so we can interchange several different shafts in the same clubhead. We currently have well over 30,000++ total possible iron head/shaft combinations.

For your listening pleasure, I recently completed an interview with one of my fellow AGCP brothers - Tony Wright from Game Improvement Golf down in Tennesee. Tony hosts a podcast and recently asked me to join him to discuss a few aspects of clubfitting and speak on a few related topics. You can hear the full interview at Tony's page, just CLICK HERE. I really enjoyed my interview with Tony - he has been doing his podcasts for a number of years now, and is truly trying to help golfers improve with the sets he fits and builds, and all the great information he shares with golfers through his blog and podcasts.

Happy New Year!!!! Here's hoping that 2025 will be a banner year on the golf course for the Gooder-ites.


Current appointment status - as of March/2025 current appointment wait times are fluctuating between 12-16 weeks. All fittings will be performed in the order they were booked. In the event there is a cancellation or two, everybody will get moved up the list in the order they were booked. Please check in on the website from time to time for an update. A BIG THANK YOU for your patience and understanding.



The Lowdown on ClubfittingI have created a summary of what's involved with a "Performance-Based" fitting. You can click the picture to the left to download a .pdf to keep for reference. Feel free to share it with anyone you think might find it useful.

I liken each clubfitting I perform to putting a picture puzzle together. We put all of YOUR specific pieces together and the final product is YOUR unique “fitting picture”. Each of us has a different looking finished “picture”. We can’t build the perfect set of clubs for you until we know what your “picture” is supposed to look like. That final picture is made up of about 20 or so pieces.

The only way to properly determine the correct pieces to YOUR clubfitting puzzle is through a performance-based fitting session, along with effective communication between yourself and your certified & qualified clubfitter. Since we all differ in ability, stature, and strength, we all cannot use the “standard???” off-the-rack golf clubs and expect to play to our potential, or improve for that matter.

Our goal through one of these “performance-based” fittings is to get you into a golf club that will produce (1) the highest percentage of on-center ball contact, (2) tightest shot dispersion/accuracy, (3) the most consistent performance/distance, and (4) the best FEEL for the golfer.

For irons, I have approximately 625 different shafts that I can inter-change with any one of about 35 different 6-iron heads – that gives us over 20,000 possible combinations of head/shaft we can test with.  Why do I have so many?  The shafts range anywhere from 40 grams up to 140 grams for weight, graphite, steel, various flexes, and several different lengths we can test the golfer with.  It all matters!  Out of the lot, there will be one (perhaps two) that FEEL and perform better than all the others. If length, flex, and weight were not critical, I could get by with only one fitting shaft.

We observe the same phenomenon with clubheads – Once we determine the ideal length, flex, and weight of shaft for you, then we start testing different clubhead designs. There is always a particular design that you will hit better, and FEELS better to you than the others.  The only way to determine this is to test with them.

Many people don’t realize that if you change shaft weight by 5 or even 10 grams, it can change how you swing the club, and how the club performs for you. The same holds true for shaft flex – if we change shaft flex by “half a flex”, it can change how the club performs, and how it feels in your hands. It’s all about details, details, and more details.  What works for you likely isn’t the same combination that will work for your neighbor. Each of us has our own unique clubfitting “puzzle picture”.

We use some high-tech equipment to help us acquire data, and of course feedback from the golfer. By the time we’re done, hopefully you are a believer in custom clubfitting too. Fittings on average can take anywhere between 2.5 – 4 hours to complete (sometimes even more).

I do not build golf clubs "on-spec". On-spec is where you call or email me and ask me to build you a set with XXXX heads with YYYY shafts built to stiff flex (whatever the heck stiff flex means????). The reason I don't do this.....'cuz it's just wrong! If we're lucky we might get maybe two of the 20+ fitting variables correct. The only way to get the "right" set of clubs for YOU is to get fit for them first. You don't just go and purchase any old pair of eyeglasses without an eye exam do you? Of course not that would be silly. You go see the eye doctor first - he will help you determine what corrective lenses YOU need to see clearly, then you buy your glasses based on what perscription the doctor gives you. This way you can spend your hard-earned money wisely and purchase the "right" glasses for YOU without any guesswork.....and it's unlikely your eyeglasses perscription will be the same as your neighbor's. Make sense?


NOTE: As per agreements I have made with my suppliers - I DO NOT sell any of my golf components separately (heads or shafts by themselves), the only exception to that rule is grips. I only sell completed clubs that have been fit and built by me (no component sales).


Partner-up with the VERY Best


I am very fortunate to be associated with what I consider to be the VERY BEST suppliers in the whole industry, all of whom share a genuine dedication to the art of custom golf club fitting, and manufacturing components whose quality is second to none. Combine these superb components with proper custom fitting, the result will be top-notch golf clubs that help you improve, that match your swing, and allow you to play to your potential. Remember - golf is NOT a "one size fits all" game.

We are very pleased to have formed long-term "partnerships" with these awesome folks;

  • Tom Wishon Golf Technology (heads, shafts, grips - we are a TWGT Gold Dealer)
    • This golf industry icon has more than 50 industry "firsts"
    • Designs used regularly on all tours
  • Alpha Golf (premium heads and shafts)
    • Used on all tours
  • Swing Science (heads and shafts - we are a Swing Science Fitting Center)
    • Quality original designs
  • Tour Edge / Exotics (heads)
    • Tour proven designs - used on all tours by several iconic players
    • Everything from the driver through to the putter
  • Mizuno Golf
    • High quality golf gear from an estabilshed long-term company
    • This is not off the shelf product
    • We must fit you to get the right Mizuno product into your hands
  • KBS Tour (golf shafts - we are a certified KBS Fitting Center)
    • Widely used, and one of the most popular steel shafts in all of golf
  • Accra (premium wood and iron shafts)
    • Premium shafts played by the world's best
    • VERY popular and widely used on all tours
  • Aerotech (high-tech composite shafts)
    • Premium tour quality, tournament winning quality, Fed-Ex Cup winning quality
    • Brandt Snedeker (2012 Fed-Ex Cup champion) Matt Kuchar, and more of your favourite PGA golfers put their trust in Aerotech for iron shafts

You may or may not have heard these brand names before, but let me assure you they are well recognized within the custom industry. Many of them see regular duty on the Tours each and every week - they've been known to win tournaments, and even the odd Fed-Ex Cup. If tour players trust this equipment, you know it's gotta be good - and these guys have the opportunity to play whatever equipment they want to. Another REALLY neat fact about the pros using this gear is that they do not get paid to use it. They use it 'cuz they want to, not 'cuz they're endorsement floozies - kinda speaks volumes doesn't it. By the way, YES I play what I sell - this stuff makes up my own sets, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

We DO NOT offer any "knock-offs" or "clones" in our line-up. Knock-offs and clones are designs that are made to mimic, imitate, or copy that of popular OEM designs - they are generally (1) cheap, and (2) poor quality. ALL of the products we represent and utilize are original designs that are premium quality - they are every bit as good (if not better) than the major OEM designs. In fact, many of the products we represent are found in the golf bags of PGA, LPGA, Champions Tour, and Tour players every week - and they win too! Plain and simple, the vendors we deal with make GOOD STUFF..... more better than good - GOODER!


Clubfitting Media


If you're seriously considering a personal fitting experience, please take the time to view the videos below. These videos were produced by some of my fellow AGCP members to help inform you about custom clubfitting. They are very informative, and should help you understand more about the process.


What you can expect from a professional clubfitter


Suggested books on clubfitting


The truth about the numbers


Just a quick note about the gentleman who appears in the three videos above. His name was Dana Upshaw. Dana's golf club operation was based down in Georgia, and sadly Dana passed away in October of 2020 (cancer as a result of exposure to Agent Orange many years ago back in Vietnam). Dana was one of the most brilliant and accomplished clubfitters and clubmakers on the planet - a true journeyman at his craft who fit/built literally thousands of sets over the years. Dana was published many times in Golf Magazine, Golf Digest, and others - he was considered a Master at this craft. Dana hooked up with Roy Nix (AGCP founder) to produce these very informative short videos for your benefit (they answer many questions), and also to help promote the art of proper clubfitting. A great deal of knowledge that I have acquired in this awesome art of clubfitting/clubmaking I owe to people like Dana, and many of my fellow Association of Golf Clubfitting Professionals (AGCP) brothers who were willing to share their knowledge and wisdom to help mould me into the clubfitter/clubmaker I am today. They also taught me to take their most excellent fitting/building strategies, and NOT be afraid to try improve on them through science, experimentation, common sense, knowledge, wisdom, and the odd little "hunch". TEST, TEST, TEST - You'll never know if something works or not unless you try it. One of the biggest impacts Dana made on me besides fitting/building strategies was a life lesson that has stuck with me for many years now - the definition of INTEGRITY is "doing the right thing, even when nobody is watching". Rest in peace Dana - and thank you for all of your contributions.